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Walker County Marriages
Recently, the start of a book of Walker County Marriages 1846-1900 was found on a thumb drive. The indexing of the book was never completed and the lists were only alphabetized for the grooms. I believe this information to be valuable to Walker County researchers and decided to finish their work and make it available for the online age. I took their transcriptions from word documents to spreadsheets so that I could let the computer help me make the lists alphabetical for groom and bride. The Marriage License Consents would not transfer from a word document to a spreadsheet and, therefore, I re-transcribed their transcriptions. I have tried to ensure that I did not deviate from the original transcription but I will take full credit for any errors found.
This information was gathered in 2009-2010 and was the work of the following Walker County Genealogical Society members: Mary Edwina Vick, Linda Dodson, Sissy Johnson, Joneil Sorrell, Robert H. Vann, Virginia Doudney Chastain and Frances Sprott Goforth. I give a huge round of applause and thanks to these people who worked so hard to make this information freely available to all. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Deta Rogillio, President
Walker County Genealogical Society
19 October 2022
Marriages 1846-1880
Marriages 1880-1900
Black Marriages
Marriage Permissions
Marriage Laws of the Time
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