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Saturday, April 19th, 2025 Meeting
Staggs Community Room - 10:30 am

Patti Huff Williams

Patti Huff Smith is the Vice President at the Dallas Genealogical Society and holds her membership there. She is also a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, National Genealogical Society, Texas State Genealogical Society, and counties in Texas where her roots run deep: Bosque, Navarro, Hill, Johnson, and Central Texas Genealogical Society in Waco, Texas.

Patti uses traditional genealogy research skills and the latest tools in genetic genealogy technology. She manages 62 DNA kits for her immediate and extended family. Using DNA, she has solved some of her own family's mysteries. She has also located biological families for clients using their DNA combined with research and DNA matching tools from and 

Patti has pursued her passion for genealogy and family research since 2013. Once introduced to DNA in 2015, she attended conferences, lectures, classes, and workshops to develop her skill in Genetic Genealogy.

In December 2020, Patti completed Boston University's Genealogy Studies Program "Certificate in Genealogical Research" to further her expertise in genealogy. She completed Your DNA Guide 5-week "The Academy DNA Skills Workshop" by Diahan Southard in February 2021.

Patti worked full-time as a marketing coordinator for ten years until March 2018, when she retired. She formerly worked for ten years as a sales representative, seminar facilitator, and speaker for motivational speaker and author Zig Ziglar. Patti and her husband, Gary, led marriage conferences and held leadership positions in their church for 21 years.

Patti has been married 37 years and has four children, ages 25–35.


Between the Lines: What Your Ancestors Didn't Tell You (DNA)

“Between the Lines” is one family’s journey to discover new family connections, uncover buried family secrets, and solve stubborn brick walls revealed through the DNA tests of family members and good old fashion genealogy research.


In this DNA program, you will learn a simple approach to help utilize your DNA results, taking your research to the next level. Using results and loading them to will be covered at length in this unique DNA presentation. 


The Walker County Genealogical Society strives to further the knowledge of genealogical research, to assist and encourage others with their family lines, to exchange knowledge gleaned from experience in the various areas of research, to collect and preserve historical documents, to support the genealogical collection of the Huntsville Public Library, and to support the Adult Programing of the Huntsville Public Library in the area of genealogy.

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